Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Protecting your privacy is our top priority at Ms. Grace. This official Privacy and Security Statement is designed to provide you with clear insights into the information we gather and how we use it. As we continually enhance the services and features for our customers, we may incorporate new technologies. Thus, this policy is subject to change without prior notice, and we encourage you to review it periodically.

Online Privacy - Information Collection

We categorize the information we gather online into four main areas:

  1. Online Order Information
  2. Voluntary Registered Shopper Information
  3. Click-Stream Data
  4. Aggregate Site Usage Information

Our website visitors' page views are collected and stored in aggregate form to identify overall behavior patterns. This data assists us in improving our site to better meet user preferences and needs.

Our web servers automatically gather information about each visitor, including their internet protocol (IP) address. This IP address helps us send requested web content to your computer.

Periodically, we may share portions of aggregated site behavior information with vendors, consultants, potential advertisers, or news agencies to showcase site interest and plan technical improvements.

Online Order Information

For seamless order fulfillment, we require the following information when you purchase products from Ms. Grace:

  • Email address for order confirmation
  • Name, address, Ms. Grace membership number (if applicable)
  • List of purchased items, order reference number, shipping method confirmation, and total amount
  • Please note that your credit card number is NOT included in the confirmation email.

Click-Stream Data (and Cookie Technology)

To register or purchase from Ms. Grace, your browser must accept cookies, small data pieces stored on your computer. These cookies help us recognize you, remember your profile, interests, shopping basket items, and pages visited during your shopping experience.

Your browser must enable cookies for Ms. Grace to function properly. Concerned about cookie content? Delete files at the end of each browsing session or refer to your browser's help file for guidance.

Click-stream data tracks your page-by-page paths as you navigate our site. We use this data to personalize shopping experiences and improve services. Click-stream information may be used collectively or individually to enhance our offerings.

Communication from Ms. Grace

Information you volunteer during product purchases, including your name, email address, postal address, and phone number, is collected and stored in our customer database. You may receive periodic emails or printed communications about new products, services, promotions, or events. We do not make phone calls unless for customer service matters.

Other Privacy Considerations

Links provided outside of Ms. Grace, including affiliates, are for added convenience and do not indicate endorsement. Ms. Grace is not responsible for the privacy policies of external websites.

Children's Policy

Our websites do not intend to collect personally identifiable information from children under 13. Children should not provide such information or participate in bulletin board sections.

Online Security Statement

Ms. Grace employs industry-leading technologies for secure data storage and transmission. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology encrypts sensitive information like credit card numbers. This secure communication method ensures your confidential information remains protected during transmission.

Data Protection and Usage

Data collected includes name, contact numbers, address, email, and credit card information. We use this information to process orders, analyze shopping trends, and enhance our product offerings and services.

Requesting Data Removal

To cancel your account and remove data from our database, contact our support team at Please provide your account name or registered email in the request. We will respond within 48 hours of receiving your request.